In this show, Lauren Ducrey invites us to reroot collectively not in fixed definitions but through the entangled, sprawling reach of our language.
📍Visbile from the High Line at 19th street
Hey there,
You're probably standing on the High Line near 19th street wondering what these video-projections of words and poems are about.
Rerooted reveals the forgotten roots of everyday words like "afraid" and "free” (which comes from the Proto-Indo-European root *pri- “to love") provoking us to reconsider how these words shape our worldview.
Video-projected every day at sunset, these etymologies are literally presented in a new light to passersby and metaphorically illuminated by Lauren Ducrey's poems that play with these uncovered meanings.
The fluid evolution of language is made manifest both by the rhythm of the projections and the wanderings of onlookers like you in the High Line Park.
On June 8th at 9pm, martial arts performer Svitlana Zavialova embodied Lauren’s poetry in a live movement interpretation
Take some poetry home with you to snack on like daily bites of inspiration 🍪
Lauren made this free playbook in which each poem offers you a moment to relax, reflect and reconnect with yourself.
ABout Lauren DUcrey
"Lauren has a gift of cracking open the misconceptions surrounding poetry, making it feel reachable and inspiring."
Born to a French father and an American mother, Lauren grew up at the intersection of languages and discovered it’s all a dance of perspectives.
As a poet, student of mindfulness and mental health technologist, she’s on a mission to break poetry out of its ivory tower as a tool to support everyone’s wellbeing.
She published her first book of poetry Tongues Tied in November 2021 and released Cordes sensibles, an EP of poetry and music, which she’s performed on stage in NYC and Paris. Her work is also featured in mindfulness apps Minderful and RogaLife and was selected for the 2022 Moving Words competition
She’s led 40+ poetry and mindfulness workshops with over 450 international attendees and hosts an open mic series in Brooklyn that one attendee described as “floating through and drinking a dream” 🌤️
Rerooted is part of Spirituality Week NYC, a city-wide festival with 250+ programs to nourish the spiritual needs of New Yorkers
Xposed is a non-commercial platform for artists that transforms the High Line by-passers into spectators
Visible until June 15th from sunset to 11pm from the Highline Park at 19th street
Closest access points are 20th street and 23rd street (elevator access)