I'm a UX content strategist committed to making chatbots more emotionally supportive

For 5 years I designed conversations for the Google Assistant, in French and English, to make it more approachable and bring delight to folks’ daily lives. I made it more culturally relevant for the diversity of French-language users across the world and taught it to respond in warm, helpful ways to people expression frustration or sadness.

I've since consulted for educational chatbots and worked on Google's large language model to ideate safe ways for chatbots to help people thrive.

Sounds weird? I know. Below is some press that explains what goes into designing a personality for a digital assistant.

How Google Jokes Around

QuickTake by Bloomberg | September 28th, 2019, 3:25 PM EDT

Ever wonder how your virtual assistant gets its material? Meet the Google comedians writing jokes for the Google Assistant (Source: TicToc)

Assistants vocaux : Google travaille sa «voix»

Par Aymeric Renou | Le 30 novembre 2019 à 10h10, modifié le 30 novembre 2019 à 18h49

L’assistant vocal de Google, qui permet de piloter son smartphone, n’est pas qu’un robot froid et impersonnel. Des ingénieurs essaient de le rendre plus « humain ».

Article papier ici.